放射光次世代計測科学連携研究部門 Synchrotron Next Generation Measurement Science Collaboration Research Division
セペリ アミン ホセイン SEPEHRI AMIN HOSSEIN 准教授

- TEL:029-859-2739
- FAX:029-859-2701
- 研究テーマ
- Magnetic Materials for Energy
- Multi-Scale Microstructure Characterizations
- Finite Element Micromagnetic Simulations
- 研究キーワード
- Magnetic materials, Electron microscopy, Atom probe tomography, Micromagnetic simulations
- 研究概要
Development of magnetic materials for green energy technologies
My research is about magnetic materials for green energy conversion and data storage. I conduct a combinatorial research approach using multi-scale microstructure characterizations, data science, micromagnetic simulations, and materials processing to develop next generation high permanence magnetic materials. Collaboration on magnetic measurements using the synchrotron X-rays play an important role to shed a light on our understanding of the microstructural factors hindering the performance of the magnetic materials below their physical limits. - メッセージ
- Multi-scale microstructure characterizations and magnetic measurements using synchrotron X-rays pave a way to understand the underlying mechanisms for the physical phenomena which is important from both fundamental science as well as application points of view. This will enable researchers to develop novel high performance magnetic materials for green energy applications which is important in realizations of carbon neutral society and society 5.0.